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Privacy and Data Protection Policy

At Ad On Workforce, we take the protection of personal and client data very seriously. This privacy and data protection policy outlines our commitment to ensuring the security of all data entrusted to us, including information about our data collection and use practices, data storage standards, clean desk policy, onsite monitoring and management, in-office work requirements, task and screen tracking software, single login via our secure software, disclosure of information, data security, data retention, and updates to this policy.

Data Collection and Use We collect and use personal information only for the purposes of providing our outsourcing services. This includes information such as names, email addresses, and other contact details, as well as job-related information such as performance metrics and work assignments. We use task and screen tracking software to monitor the progress of work and ensure quality assurance. We also use a single login via our secure software to ensure only authorised users can access data.

Data Storage Standards All data collected by Ad On Workforce is stored securely on servers located in Australia. Our data storage facilities are designed to meet industry best practices for data security and protection, including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and regular security updates and patches. We also require all of our employees to undergo background checks before they are allowed access to any data, and all data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

Clean Desk Policy We have a strict clean desk policy in place to ensure that sensitive information is not left unsecured on employees' desks. This policy requires that all employees clear their desks of sensitive information at the end of each workday, and ensures that no sensitive information is left unsecured in our offices.

Onsite Monitoring and Management To ensure the security of all data and protect against unauthorised access, we have a tight onsite monitoring and management system in place. Our staff are monitored by supervisors and managers who are physically present in our offices, and we do not allow remote access to our systems. We also require that all work is conducted in our offices, and do not allow employees to work from home or other remote locations.

Task and Screen Tracking Software We use task and screen tracking software to monitor the progress of work, ensure quality assurance, and provide clients with transparency into the work being done for them. This software tracks the time spent on tasks and takes screenshots of the employees' screens to ensure that work is being done efficiently and accurately.

Single Login via Our Secure Software We use a single login via our secure software to ensure only authorised users can access data. This login requires two-factor authentication and is only accessible by employees who have undergone a background check and have been authorised to access data.

Disclosure of Information We do not disclose any personal or client information to third parties without prior consent, except in cases where we are required to do so by law or to protect the safety and security of our clients and their customers. We also have a client experience team in place to handle any questions or concerns our clients may have regarding their data privacy and protection.

Data Security We take extensive measures to ensure the security of all information entrusted to us. This includes the use of secure systems and software, regular security updates and patches, and strict access controls. We also provide regular security training and awareness to all our staff to ensure they are aware of the importance of data security.

Data Retention We retain all personal and client data only for as long as necessary to provide our outsourcing services, or as required by law. After this period, all data is securely deleted and destroyed.

Updates to this Policy We may update this privacy and data protection policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices and policies. We encourage all clients to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect personal and client data. Any updates to this policy will be posted on our website and will be effective immediately upon posting.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy and data protection policy, please contact us at . We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of all personal and client data and will do our best to address any concerns you may have.

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